Monday, July 26, 2010

Mondayist Monday Ever

Monday Monday, can't trust that day...Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be…

Today was the Mondayist Monday I think I’ve ever had. I woke up feeling kind of puny, but didn’t quite know what was wrong. I went to work and in true Jennifer style, was very dramatic about how bad I felt. On the way to a meeting downtown with three co-workers, I stopped and grabbed an over the counter medicine. During the meeting, though, I started feeling really woozy and my lower back started hurting. I left the meeting, called my doctor and managed to get an appointment for an hour later. My co-workers dropped me off at a Car2Go, a Smart Car that City employees can use to get around town. I’ve used them tons of times, but this time the car didn’t start. So I was stuck in 100-degree temperature with a non-working vehicle. Cars2Go have a way to call customer service through the speakers of the car, so I did that to report it being broken down. After three calls that all got cut off – and being told by three different European men on the other end of the phone how to start a car – I finally just texted my co-workers. Luckily, they hadn’t gone too far and were able to come get me. I was drenched in sweat, feeling worse and felt like I might pass out at this point. We stopped for lunch on the way back to the office and one of the restaurant employees sprayed the back of my shirt with cleaner as she cleaned the booth behind me! Sheesh. I just laughed.

As the day wore on back at the office, it started to thunderstorm and I started to feel worse. I drank lots of water and took more of the OTC meds. I had missed my doctor’s appt because of the broken down SmartCar. Ugh. Then the power flickered…once, twice…and on the third time, my computer went down. Well, restarting an old PC that still has a floppy disk drive on it takes a good hour, so I tried to be patient. Tried to log on to my email from another computer to no avail. I pretty much wasn’t able to work. All the while, I’m trying to decide if I should drive to Urgent Care after work.

On my way home, I called my pharmacist friend and described my symptoms. She said I should get it checked out. That’s all I needed to hear. Also, sitting in a car made me feel worse than anything, so I braved the traffic and the rain and made my way to my favorite Urgent Care place. Ok, it’s the only one I’ve been to, but I still like it. They play kids movies in the lobby and in all the rooms, so it makes me feel better. Today it was Cars, one of my faves!

First I got to pee in a cup. Yay me. Then a few minutes later, the verdict: a kidney infection! “Twenty percent of women end up in the hospital, so I’d feel better if we gave you a shot before you leave,” said the doctor. In walks skinny male nurse who informs me that the shot has to go in my bum. Great. Not embarrassing at all, I thought. So as I watched Lightning McQueen and his pals from Radiator Springs, the nurse stuck me in the bum. Then there was 10 minutes of observation in case I had a bad reaction. This was a little worrisome to me, but fortunately, nothing happened. Then I went on my merry way with prescriptions in hand for antibiotics and pain killers.

Most of the time I don’t mind being single, but on Monday Mondays and times when I have to drive myself to Urgent Care and to the Pharmacy, it sucks. Oh well. Already feeling a tad better, except for my sore bum cheek. Make that two sore bum cheeks...I must have clenched. Ugh.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

All About Moki

Moki met grandma a few days after she came to live with me...I think she was about 4 weeks old here. She grabbed grandma's fortune cookie right out of her hand!

Moki quickly discovered the computer...she loves to help mommy type and sometimes, like in the picture below, I find her surfing the web all by herself!

At about 6 weeks old, Moki's personality really started coming out. She's part devil, part angel, very intense and has lots of Tortitude! (Apparently all Tortoiseshell cats have Tortitude.) She loves her ball track toy, but to be honest, plays with regular things like pens, earrings and balled up paper more!

And today, at 8 weeks old, she had her vet appointment. Now she's a sleepy baby...

Moki at 8 Weeks

My new little kitty Moki is 8 weeks old now...and weighs all of 2.3 lbs! She had a vet checkup today. She still has a few round worms, so she got another treatment for that, her first round of vaccinations and a flea/heartworm/etc. treatment to do at home. She has another appointment in three weeks for more vaccinations. She was very brave and all the staff ooohed and ahhhed at how pretty she is. Duh, she's the most beautiful kitteh eva! Earlier in the week, I snapped these shots of her playing with (then taking a nap in) my bra! Hilarious.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Worst Fear

Aside from surviving a tornado and being blown into a tree with my clothes stripped off, THIS is my worst fear! Dying alone and being eaten by cats! This one of the many reasons I will never have more than  one cat!