Sunday, June 28, 2009

The synesthesia diet

Synesthesia is a fascinating condition that causes patients to have strange reactions, like they may be able to taste words, hear shapes, or taste a certain color when they see it. I tried saying several words out loud to see if I had this condition, but the only time I even remotely had a reaction was when I said the word, “pickle.” My mouth watered. I don’t think that’s the same thing. It occurred to me, though, that if we could bottle this condition, it would be the best diet ever. For example, let’s say every time I saw the color red, I tasted chocolate cake. Voila. No need to actually eat the cake because I’ve already tasted it! Or if I heard a warning bell sound every time a cute guy with a guitar showed up, then I’d have an extra warning to stay far, far away! (Ok, just kidding about this one.) But seriously, if I could just look at something and satisfy my cravings for pizza, chips and queso, hamburgers, Mexican food and chocolate, I’d have no problem losing weight. I’m gonna try to close my eyes and focus really hard next time I want to eat something bad for me (which should be anytime now) and try to taste it. I may be on to something here!

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