This week I am house and dog sitting this sweet Little White Dog. She’s a cutie, but I must say, can be a handful! She came with two pages of instructions…no joke! I worried maybe it would turn into a Marley & Me scene, but it hasn’t been quite that bad…yet. The first day, the poor thing was still scared and unsure of me. Ironically, I found Marley & Me on HBO…about that time, the Little White Dog climbed up on the chair and curled up with me. Awe. Day Two: On our morning walk, we saw two other dogs approaching with their owners. “Now what did those instructions say to do again,” I thought as I tried to restrain her from lunging at the much larger dogs. I then bent down to pick her up…and immediately remembered the notes. She bites! No worries, I carry Neosporin & band-aids with me, so all is well. Then last night, I stepped out of the living room for a few minutes and could hear the little white dog playing with something. When I walked back into the room, I saw the contents of my purse strewn all around the living room! The dog looked up at me like, “What did you expect me to do when you left your purse where I could reach it?” I gasped, said, “Bad doggie” and started picking up the pieces…ha. Her owners warned me! Stay tuned for more dog sitting tales….
Pink was the "new black" a few years ago, but it's still my favorite color. As a kid, my parents could not get me to wear pink for anything, but now, I could wear it everyday, easily. Last week while battling a nasty stomach bug, I also contracted pink eye! Bleh. Pink does NOT look good in my eye, nor does it feel good. Thank God for pink eye medicine, that's all I'm sayin'. I took this picture of my poor little eyes on day two of pink eye.
Last Friday we found out that my mom's breast cancer is back. This time in her lungs. Two days later, we walked in the Race for the Cure on a team named in her honor, Uby's Boobies. I have so many emotions and fears running through me right now, but I'd rather focus on the positive and fun experience we all had at the Race. I think it boosted mom's spirits...and I hope it will help her fight Round 2 with as much strength and grace as she did last time. Love you, momma.