Tuesday, December 23, 2008

That's my baby

So every year I get the cutest Holiday photo cards from my friends with kids. I truly believe that aside from my own nephew, my friends have the most adorable kiddos in the world. I thoroughly enjoy getting the cards, but every year I get a little jealous because I don't have little ones to show off. Well today, my 14 year old cat named Bridget reminded me that she truly is my baby. As independent as she is, there are times when she still needs my help. A few minutes ago, she somehow managed to get her head stuck in the handle of a plastic bag, so she ran into the room where I was, dragging the bag along with her. She looked up at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes and meowed the most pitiful cry. So what do I, the loving mother, do? I laugh and immediately pick up the camera! Poor baby. But don't worry, I quickly removed the bag from around her neck and gave her lots of loving. Poor baby. :)

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