Wednesday, October 8, 2008


When I logged onto Google today to search for something, I saw that they are celebrating their 10th anniversary. For some reason, it seems like we’ve been googling for more than 10 years, doesn’t it?

Google is a fascinating business model – they took what seemed like a simple business idea and it exploded – Google is everywhere. I don’t know what I’d do without Google to help me find information. I literally use it everyday.

I remember the day I told my mom to “google” something. I’d been using the word as a verb for a while at that point without even thinking about it, but it was still unknown to her. I think it’s an interesting study of how a company can make such an impact on the world. Not only change the way people search for information, but change the English language too!

Google has made our lives easier, but they are also known for being one of the greatest companies to work for – and for continuing to encourage groundbreaking, creative ideas. In fact, they are hosting a contest in honor of their 10th birthday, soliciting ideas from users. Wish I had some google-worthy ideas! See, I just used the word google in another way! It’s a great word.

Happy Birthday, Google!

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