Sunday, February 1, 2009

50 more years

The worry is creeping in. The guilt is definitely creeping in. I fear that we’ll get even worse news from the surgeon tomorrow about my mom’s breast cancer. I’m trying so hard to stay positive and I know that we are all ready to kick cancer’s butt. I keep saying to myself, “I can’t do this again.” I keep replaying times when I’ve been less than kind to my mom, remembering all those years when our relationship was strained. We had some serious shouting matches. We’ve come a long, long way in our relationship and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we love each other. I hope my mom knows how much I love her. We love to tease her about all the silly things that she does…I hope she knows that I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I know I’ve never told her this. Despite all our disagreements, she has a heart of gold, is very forgiving, and has unwavering Faith. She may not always say the right thing and she may bring you stinky Chinese food and the movie “Deliverance” when you’re sick in bed, but she’s always there for you. I have so many “Ruby” stories…she’s infamous with my friends and co-workers. I am so thankful that we are so much closer now. We spend a lot of time laughing – and while it may be laughing AT each other, we’re together and we’re laughing…and I want to be laughing with my mom for 50 more years.

1 comment:

Carla Rae said...

Ok, so all these post are making me cry!!!! Between yours, and then Zachs and now this!!! Your mom is such a strong person. We are all praying for good news tomorrow! I know I have only been in y'alls life for a short amount of time. But I love your whole family. Y'all are my unofficial family(at least until I get a ring)!!!! Love y'all !!