Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's a sign!

Spotted a sign this week that cracked me up, mostly because I am going to start Weight Watchers again on Monday. Ugh. As anyone who has done it knows, trying to lose weight...well, it just sucks. It's hard. And if you're like me and have like 100 lbs to lose, it just seems so unattainable. So when I saw this sign, it cheered me up for a moment. Then reality sunk in again. Sigh.

1 comment:

Les said...

I heart weight watchers. I just saw you roll your eyes at me just now. But really, I do. I lost 25 pounds last year on it. And the trick is to find the right leader. Find one that's FO REAL. Our leader chick would give us a recipe for a pie, then tell us how many points a slice was. And THEN say, "And if you're having a bad day the whole pie is XX points." It really really really works. Iknow because I've put 10 pounds back on since I stopped going. So, go every week. Do it for you.