Monday, November 17, 2008

Feeling lucky...and big and chunky ;)

This weekend I attended an engagement party for my friend Charlotte and her fiancé John – it was so much fun to see how happy they are and to catch up with lots of old friends! They had cupcakes from Hey Cupcake at the party, which were a big hit. My friend Laura, one of the hostesses, placed little charms in each of the cupcakes that symbolized something different, depending on the charm. My charm was a money bag, indicating good fortune. Can’t complain about that! ;)

I didn’t really think about it until last night, but I think the charm did bring me some good luck. On Sunday evening, I went to see Madagascar 2 with my brother’s family and found a dollar on the floor of the theater. Then, after the movie, which was hilarious by the way, I was driving home and heard on the radio that they were giving away prize packs to a bowling alley. I have no idea why, but I picked up the phone and called the radio station. Surprisingly, I won the prize! I haven’t called into a radio station except to do interviews for work (!) since I was in high school and I’m not a good bowler AT ALL, so I’m not sure what possessed me to call in, but oh well! Bowling, anyone? I chuckled about my “good fortune.” Then I thought I should aim higher, so I went and bought a Lotto ticket with the dollar I found on the floor. We’ll see what happens. Drawing is Tuesday. ☺

PS – My brother and his girlfriend have decided that I remind them of Gloria, the hippo in Madagascar. Not because of her ahem, size, but apparently our personalities are similar. I could not stop laughing at one scene in the movie where Moto Moto, a big male hippo, flirts with Gloria. I’ve dated that guy, I swear. Click here to see the song he sings to Gloria in the movie. Hysterical – and it’s about time big and chunky gals got their own song. ;)

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