Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What do you get when you put a journalist, fire, a city building, a white floor-length fur coat, leather pants and a night of drinking together?

Another fabulous “Keep Austin Weird” story, of course! A few weeks ago, the fire department was called out to the City Hall parking garage because a car was on fire. It’s not unusual for a car engine to catch on fire while stuck in Austin traffic on I-35 or Mopac in the summer, but while parked inside a garage in the middle of the night, it’s a little odd.

So late yesterday when the headline “Local journalist arrested for arson” popped up in my email late, my eyes widened and I immediately clicked on the link. I work with members of the media every day, so my mind raced and I wondered who it could be! Turns out it was not someone I’ve ever worked with, but I’ve certainly read his work over the years in the Chronicle, Austin’s alternative newspaper. Apparently Moser was accused of setting his roommate’s car on fire in the garage after a night of celebrating around town. Security cameras caught him smoking a cigarette, wearing a white floor-length fur coat and leather pants, sitting in the car, and apparently have footage that proves his set fire to it later. Read the unfolding story here.

I’m pretty sure that haven’t heard the last of this saga, but I would just like to say that I am so thankful to live in such a colorful town with such fabulous characters…I could almost get rid of cable!

Additional note: Although I’m poking fun at this story here, I understand that Moser has prostate cancer and I’m sorry to hear that. I certainly don’t wish cancer on anyone. I hope he recovers soon.

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