Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Giant Step for Jenn

Today I started a 5K walking training program! This may not seem like a lot to most of you, but for me, this was a huge step. I've committed to walking in the May 9 March for Babies event and now to walking in the Seton Ignite 5K in June. I am determined to also walk in the Race for the Cure again. Two years ago, I walked in it and finished, but wound up with a nasty knee injury requiring several months of rehab. From walking! Ridiculous.

I am the classic example of use it or lose it. As a kid, I roller skated and bicycled EVERYWHERE. I did gymnastics and played softball for ten years. Then I just kinda stopped really doing anything. Sure, I've walked, I've done yoga, played the occasional softball game and lived to regret it for weeks...and I even did a back walkover about 10 years ago at Christmas just to prove I could. Man, did that hurt. But I am seriously out of shape and in need of some serious weight loss. I'm not one of those chicks who just says that either, I really, really need to get healthy. I did Weight Watchers two years ago, lost 20 lbs and was really excited. Then I hit a plateau, suffered the knew injury mentioned above...and got discouraged.

Other stressful things like my dad dying of cancer and now my mom fighting cancer have given me the perfect excuse to ignore my own health concerns. But I hope that with the baby steps I took today, I am starting down the long road to better health. Because the reality is that I could be facing cancer or other health issues one day. Most of us do at some point. And I have yet to hear that diet and exercise are bad for you. Believe me, I've been on the lookout for word of this, but no luck. Today felt great. My hips and heels already hurt, but that's ok. Maybe next week they'll hurt just a little less.

Wish me luck on this long and winding road...

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