It's taken me a few days to blog about it, but I am still over the moon about Obama getting elected president! Woo hoo! I am reading his book, "Dreams of my Father," and have been moved to tears many times already. One part in the book details how his white grandparents, who were from Kansas, once moved to Texas. They were shocked by the level of prejudice they saw and eventually moved to Hawaii. And this was long before their daughter married an African student she met in college, Barack Obama, Sr., and eventually had Barack Jr.
As a native Texan, I've always struggled with the level of ignorance in this state. And the hatred, simply because of the color of someone's skin or their religion. I've never understood it. I'm a white, protestant girl from Texas with Irish, German, French and American Indian roots...and who knows what else! We're all "mutts," essentially. (Obama had a press conference today and when answering a question about the dog he promised his daughters, he called himself a mutt.) It makes me very sad that many Texans -- not all -- still have such hateful beliefs. I'm proud to be a Texan, but not when we exhibit ignorance. Anyway, this map shows why I live in Austin...in case you can't tell, Travis County, where Austin is, is completely blue. :)

By the way, Obama's book is a very compelling read. (I hear they all are.) He's had many life experiences and has a very diverse cultural background -- in my opinion, a good quality for the President of the United States to have. Couldn't be a bad thing to have perspective from various points of view, could it? He looks at every issue from many different angles, a trait that I'm sure wil also come in handy.
Anyway, I'm thrilled and excited to see what comes next. Obama is intelligent, compassionate & charismatic and has already restored a little bit of hope for our Nation. I'm glad that so many people got involved and VOTED in this election. No matter who they voted for, at least they let their voices be heard! Rock on, America! Rock on, President-elect Obama! :)