Wednesday, September 17, 2008

“My cat is stuck in the toilet”

Thankfully my cat, Bridget, has never gotten stuck in the toilet like the one in this story, but she has gotten herself into some pickles. Several years ago, while staying in a temporary business housing until my apartment was ready, Bridget got stuck in between the kitchen cabinets and the walls. I of course wasn’t supposed to have an animal in the temporary housing, so I had to sneak her in and play the TV all day long to muffle her meows. She’s part Siamese and very vocal, so this was no easy task. And when she was younger, she loved to climb and explore any nook or cranny she could find. Well, I guess she found a big enough hole to climb through. I don’t remember how I got her out of the wall, but thankfully, it didn’t involve destruction of anything or calling 911!

And then there was the time Bridget looked up at me from the floor while I was trying to fall asleep. Ok, she does that every night. And usually, she jumps onto the bed and I pet her for about two minutes, then she jumps off and goes to her little bed in the closet. But this night, her equilibrium must have been way off, because she jumped and smacked her little kitty head square onto the side of the mattress. I mean she really missed her mark! I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to make sure she was ok, but thankfully, she was.

My last story about Bridget is probably my favorite. Many years ago, my friend Cheree was cat sitting for me while I was out of town and would go check on Bridget every day. One day, she walked all over the house and could hear Bridget meowing, but couldn’t find her anywhere! She opened the oven and all the cabinets, thinking that maybe the cat had climbed into one of them. She said she could hear Bridget’s meows the loudest in the kitchen, so she stood there, puzzled for a few minutes. All of a sudden, Cheree felt something gently touch her head. She said she jumped out of her skin…she looked up and there, on top of the refrigerator, sat Bridget. I would have paid good money to be a fly on the wall watching that unfold. I’m positive Bridget planned the whole thing and got a good laugh out of it at Cheree’s expense.

Damn cat. But I love her – and for the record, yes, I would bust up my toilet too if she got stuck in it.

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