Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pinky & the Brain

Apparently it’s National Unmarried and Single Americans Week and according to ABC television, it’s also National Stay at Home Week. As an unmarried and single person in America, I feel uniquely qualified to go out on a limb here and suggest that one reason I am still unmarried and single is because I celebrate National Stay at Home Week every week. ;)

Actually, I’m h
ardly ever home – I keep myself pretty busy. No, I’m not out painting the town, although I do attend the occasional happy hour. I could write a book about how people I’ve known my entire life suddenly act like they can’t hang out with me, the swingin’ single gal (ha!), because they are now married. It’s silly, but it happens. Bygones, I’m over it.

The thing that amazes me is the facts about single people. For example, did you know that there are 92 million single adults in the US? So why is it so hard to find a mate? NINETY TWO MILLION PEOPLE! Come on!

But more importantly, in 2005, there were 55.9 million households headed by unmarried adults
. Ahem, that means we are now the majority of all households in the nation! I think it’s time for the rest of you to start paying attention to us! In the 2000 presidential election, 35 percent of voters were unmarried. I’m gonna make a prediction that in the 2008 presidential election, that number will be a lot higher. Hmm, maybe instead of trying to get a married woman or a married black man into the White House, we should have been focused on getting a single person elected!

I’m suddenly picturing Pinky and the Brain (who were single, by the way)…

"Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"

The Brain: "The same thing we do every nigh
t, Pinky—try to take over the world."



Robin H said...

I can't tell if this is funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey good idea about putting a single person in the White House, why not - they would have their undivided attention to the position!

BTW: I like your blog - good job!