Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sliced Bread

So after hearing social media and communications expert Shel Holtz speak today about incorporating social media into communications, I became keenly aware that technology could very quickly pass me by. Or has it already? ;) I think I’m doing ok – I’ve had a MySpace page for years and I now have a facebook page, I’m a Linked In member, I have a photobucket account, I text message, and just today, I became a twitterer! I’m so proud of myself!

My Grandpa D. lived to be 95 years old. I remember one day, when he was about 94, he asked me about CDs. He knew all about “Certificates of Deposit,” but these shiny round things that played music were new to him, so I explained them. We then started talking about the Internet. He just shook his head. He couldn’t fathom it. Grandpa was born in 1907 and in his lifetime had witnessed the invention of the assembly line (holy cow!), the aerosol can, the atomic bomb, the television, traffic lights, the fluorescent light bulb, the jet engine and literally, sliced bread!

My nephew, who is 14, recently asked me what kind of cell phone I had when I was his age. I just laughed. Apparently instead of “wear pajamas to school day,” they now have designated technology days for kids – days when they can bring their cells, iPods, etc. to school without getting in trouble. My nephew says he’s bored a lot. I can’t fathom that. I don’t ever remember being bored when I was his age. There was always something to do…and when I was his age, I didn’t have cable TV, an iPod, cell phone or even a computer!

You heard it here – I’m making a vow to never let technology pass me by. I will at the very least read about the latest trends! ☺

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