Sunday, September 21, 2008

Have a nice day!

So today on my way to my nephew’s birthday party, I ran into a store to buy a gift bag to put his present in. I was running late and had no makeup on yet, so I’m sure I looked a little like this lady:

As I was leaving, this older gentleman shuffling in with a walker said, “Excuse me, ma’am.”

I turned around and he slowly asked me, “Did you know that part of your face…”

Ok, at this point, I was ready to put down my bag and purse and deck the guy – I was sure he was about to say something mean about my Rosacea-riddled, non-makeup covered face. But he continued with, “…is about to explode into a huge smile!”

I’m not really sure what I said to him, but I do remember that it did make me smile – in that kind of “Oh my God, this man is a weirdo,” uncomfortable sort of way. I think I said thank you and have a nice day or something, then quickly rushed out the door to my car, where I burst into laughter. “These sorts of things only happen to me,” I thought. “The weirdos always know how to find me.”

The closer I got to my brother’s house for the party, I realized that I really should smile more. I try to remember to smile while driving to work and in the shower. Sound weird, I know, but I’m trying to fight off the downward curvature of the corners of my lips that almost all women get…I hate that! Anyway, that man made me think. No matter how bad I might be feeling or how rushed I might be, from now on, I will pretend that I am Kate Hudson and will smile like this:

Have a nice day and just a reminder to all you parents out there…do not force your babies to smile!

1 comment:

Julie Adams said...

oh lordy! the most mysterious things happen to you!