Thursday, December 31, 2009
Caffeine is my shepherd
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My nephew, the model

My brother's family
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Bernhardt (Bernie) Otto Doerfler was born December 9, 1907 and married Minnie Sophie Wernli on July 22, 1936. They were parents to two children – Steve and Ruby – and had 10 grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. In 1962, the Doerflers moved into their new red brick house at 301 South 5th Street in Pflugerville.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Watching the Little White Dog

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
We raced for the Cure

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rainbows in the Clouds

I can't sleep on a Saturday night because I have either really bad allergies or the beginnings of a cold. So I logged onto Twitter. I noticed that "Maya Angelou" was a trending topic and gasped. No, no, no! Please don't tell me that something has happened to my beloved Maya Angelou! I immediately went into super search mode and discovered that she was taken to the hospital for unknown reasons sometime on Saturday. I also found some tweets that say she is ok, but you never know what to believe. So my thoughts & prayers are with Maya Angelou…I pray that she will be ok. And I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to see her speak in person at my alma mater, West Texas A&M University, about six months ago.
I was so moved by her words, but surprisingly, I don’t think I ever wrote about the experience. Maya talked about the importance of finding “rainbows in the clouds.” She marveled at how just a few years ago, she would not have even been allowed to attend a school like WT and now here they were, inviting her to be their honored guest. Then she said, “This University is a rainbow in the clouds.” That’s when my tears started flowing. I don’t think they stopped the entire time she spoke. Her words were just so eloquent, so profound…and Maya just glows on stage. She IS greatness. We are all truly blessed by her presence here on Earth. SHE is a rainbow in the clouds.
- - -
Yesterday my mom had a CT scan because she has completed all of her chemo and radiation and has done well after mastectomy surgery. About 7pm, she received a call from her oncologist, telling her that they found nodules on her lungs. Crap, crap, crap. He said that it could be simply inflammation, but it could also be cancer again. Next week she will undergo a PET scan and maybe a biopsy. My first reaction was extreme anger at cancer and total and complete fear. I REFUSE to lose another parent to cancer. This is NOT cancer. It can’t be. I’m still scared out of my mind, but I’ve steeled myself for the fight, whatever it entails. And I’m keeping my eye out for rainbows in the clouds.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Front Row Seats
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Reminiscing the High Spots

We were all so fortunate to have had him in our lives for so long. Grandpa lived to be 95 years old, surviving many years after grandma passed away. They were married for 57 years when grandma died. She was the love of his life. Grandpa was one of the greatest characters I’ve ever known. (Actually all of my grandparents are great characters!) He was short and probably weighed 120 pounds at his heaviest, but he had a very big presence. He worked for Texaco well into his senior years, then became a Bailiff at the Travis County courthouse, working until Glaucoma took his eyesight at about the age of 88.
He was known for his one acre, meticulously cared for, plush green yard and was a notorious flirt. But he was also a very religious man – he could tell you where to find any verse in the Bible. He prayed every single night (out loud) and always included people most of us would be cursing rather than praying for. Instead of saying “thank you,” he would say, “bless you.” And he would say it to everyone. So I guess it shouldn’t be that surprising that this letter he wrote is so sappy. I have to say that if I received a letter like this from a man in today’s world, I would roll my eyes and ask him what his real motive was. It’s sad, but true. People don’t write letters anymore. It’s a lost art. So, to celebrate Grandma & Grandpa’s love and the art of writing letters, here it is:
After reminiscing the high spots of this last year, I find there is only one outstanding fact, (that’s you). I’ve found my happiness in you; and now at Christmastime I feel like I ought to do everything a man can do, for you. However I have chosen the shortest and most pleasant method of showing my appreciation and affection. Dearest, this little gift, I call it little because I’m comparing my love for you to this gift and I find the gift short. Therefore increase its quantity billions and billions of times and you have only a fifth of my love for you.
Now let me add that this gift isn’t how I value your Love either because no gift can recompense your love but let this be a slight indication of how I value your Love and Minnie Dearest, I pray God that our Love shall ever increase, never die, and that we shall grow to a more Devine, and more human understanding. May God give us happiness forever.
Dearest I hope you will be able to use this traveling case occasionally and that you may benefit by possessing it. I give you this with all my Love.
Affectionately yours forever,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's a sign!

Spotted a sign this week that cracked me up, mostly because I am going to start Weight Watchers again on Monday. Ugh. As anyone who has done it knows, trying to lose weight...well, it just sucks. It's hard. And if you're like me and have like 100 lbs to lose, it just seems so unattainable. So when I saw this sign, it cheered me up for a moment. Then reality sunk in again. Sigh.
Dog Sitting Round 2

Saturday, August 22, 2009
It's so hard to say goodbye...

Friday, August 21, 2009
Girls can rock!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Veggie Bouquet
Adventures in dog & cat sitting continued...
The cats are still really nervous and acting like they're starving to death. Last night, I caught them digging in the kitchen trash! With their parents' permission, I bought them some dry food to put in their self feeder...boy did they gobble that up! Happy kitties. Er, a little happier, anyway.
Tomorrow night, Aunt Becky and my sister are taking turns watching the little black dog & the kitties because I am going to the Pat Benatar & Blondie concert! Woo hoo! I feel a little guilty and like I'm shirking my sitting, I'm over it. I am simply sharing the joy of hanging out with these adorable animals with others, right? ;)
Meanwhile, I am spending about an hour at my own place, to give MY kitty some love. She's used me being gone all the time and very independent, thankfully, but I still feel bad. Signing off now to pet her...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Too tired to blog

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Adventures in Dog Sitting...Day One

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Adventures in dog sitting...
I heart flash mobs
Thursday, August 13, 2009
All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Maybe it was the Conga Line
The last three days have been much better. The only time I still feel that way now is when I’m taking a shower, brushing my teeth or using the restroom. (I guess anytime I’m using water!) It could be dangerous since sometimes I feel like I might fall over, but oh well. Overall, I had a great time with Jill & Julie on the cruise…we always have a good time. I’m not sure it’s my preferred method of travel, but at least I tried it.
I alluded to this in an earlier post about the cruise, but thought I’d elaborate. I managed to control motion sickness on the ship, but on our excursion in Cozumel, all bets were off. First of all, those prescription patches that are supposedly waterproof are no match for my sweat! Mine kept coming off and I’d find it on my shirt, on my pants and reapply it. I guess I should have known it wouldn’t be as effective after that. When we docked in Cozumel, we were amazed at how blue the water looked. I was actually looking forward to spending an entire day in the hot sun wearing my bathing suit and cover up. If you know me, you know that would normally be a day in hell for me. But I was looking forward to snorkeling and walking around the shops in the city. I remember snapping some pictures on the little catamaran on our way to snorkel and then all of a sudden starting to feel sick. Really sick. Like I’m not gonna make it to the little restroom downstairs sick. I think someone brought me some soda and the sugary taste just made it worse. Finally, the boat stopped moving and everyone said I’d feel better in the water. Well, I’d never snorkeled before and never even worn flippers before, so I was a little nervous. To top it off, there were like 80 of us on the boat, all swimming in this sectioned off area in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. As Jill said, it felt like a rescue situation. Initially, getting in the water did feel nice. And then I put my mask on and tried to snorkel. That’s when I got sick and “fed the fish” – let’s just say fish like eggs benedict. I tried to stay away from the others as I continued to get sick in the ocean, but I guess they were following the fish…and the fish were following me! I eventually gave up and one of the divers swam me back into the catamaran. A few minutes later, Jill followed. She “fed the fish” too! I guess we’re just not ocean people. Julie had a great time, though.
The boat then took us to a private island with hammocks, beach chairs, water floats, kayaks, all sorts of fun or relaxing stuff. I would have been happy with the beach. But just about the time I started feeling better, we were loaded back onto the catamaran and they sped back to the pier. Immediate nausea. I just laid down on one of the benches, blocking my face with my “Dude, It’s Not That Hard” fan from work. Got a sunburn on the underside of my arm from that trip.
And the last thing I wanted to feel on our ride back was the “rhythm of the island!” Ahh yes, the other passengers giddy from their nausea-free, glorious day of fun in the sun snorkeling, swimming and drinking margaritas, began a festival of line dancing, loud music…and a conga line. You might think a conga line would cheer anyone up, but let me tell you, that was the last thing I needed. I vaguely remember peering out from under my fan and seeing the conga line – from the chest to the knees only – dance by. I think I looked up at Julie & Jill and threatened to harm the conga-ers at that point. It’s a miracle I didn’t get sick again on that boat, but somehow I made it back to land. And what did I do? I walked back to the comforts of the big ship and crashed in our little cabin, R98, for about four hours. Secretly, that might have been the best part of our trip. ;)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My first cruise
Here are just a few pictures from our trip. More to come.

Friday, July 17, 2009
My mom, the rock star continued
RIP, Walter Cronkite
Thursday, July 9, 2009
We Had Him
Here is the text of "We Had Him" and a video of Queen Latifah reading it at the memorial service:
We Had Him
by Dr. Maya Angelou
Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing,
now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind.
Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace.
Sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon.
In the instant that Michael is gone, we know nothing.
No clocks can tell time.
No oceans can rush our tides with the abrupt absence of our treasure.
Though we are many, each of us is achingly alone, piercingly alone.
Only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him.
He came to us from the creator, trailing creativity in abundance.
Despite the anguish, his life was sheathed in mother love, family love, and survived and did more than that.
He thrived with passion and compassion, humor and style.
We had him whether we know who he was or did not know, he was ours and we were his.
We had him, beautiful, delighting our eyes.
His hat, aslant over his brow, and took a pose on his toes for all of us.
And we laughed and stomped our feet for him.
We were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing.
He gave us all he had been given.
Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eiffel Tower, in Ghana’s Black Star Square.
In Johannesburg and Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama, and Birmingham, England We are missing Michael.
But we do know we had him, and we are the world.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
From the hospital...
Out of surgery!
Headed into surgery...
Before the hospital...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The synesthesia diet
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Poker Face
I also really love this version where Queen Latifah adds her own flair:
However, I know the song can be annoying in it's usual, radio version. My sister summed it up best once when she said, "It makes me wanna POKE HER FACE!" :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
They gave us all they had to give

Friday, June 19, 2009
Walk of Fame

My future husband, John Cusack, will soon have his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced their 2010 honorees yesterday. John will be joined by a few other of my favorites like Adam Sandler, Bryan Adams, ZZ Top and Van Morrison. So prooud of ya, John! ;)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Paper finds pilot's secret past
Articles about the pilot:
Flying high at 81
Pilot has skeletons in closet
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The son of Evil Knievel Jumps in front of Capitol!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Shades of Gray

To quote the 1986 C. Thomas Howell movie Soul Man and the song Shades of Gray, “Today there is no black or white, only shades of gray.” That’s pretty much how I see the world and the issues we all face – in shades of gray. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around radical thoughts one way or the other. And frankly, radicals and conspiracy theorists scare me. A lot. For example, how can killing a man in a church because he is an abortion doctor be the right thing to do? If you oppose abortion and think that it is murder, how can murdering someone to prove your point be right? I don't get it.
Don’t get me wrong – I am all for questioning the status quo and ensuring that our leaders are on the best path for all of us. And sometimes I wish I could see things in black and white; it would make things easier. The Billy Joel lyrics below sum up how I feel:
“Shades of grey wherever I go
The more I find out the less that I know
Black and white is how it should be
But shades of grey are the colors I see.”
Where else would you find burnt orange loaves of bread?
Dream 5/17/09
Appearing: me, my sister and my brother + my dad our step mom.
Details: We all went to “UT buffet” on the UT campus to eat dinner, but it was almost 9pm.
The manager made an exception and sent us through the line. We all got drinks and free burnt orange loaves of bread. (Ha!)
The buffet was in this giant building created in a circle and you had to walk all the way around, passing other UT depts. along the way. We passed the Radio, TV & Film dept. as we walked around the buffet line. They were filming a news cast and I think we all waved hello as we passed them. By the time we got to the actual food buffet, they were closed with their lights off. We were all livid because the manager told us we could go through the line.
That’s all I remember, but there was more to the dream.
Weird dream, as usual.
Oliver Twist

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Stupid is as stupid does
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Jay Leno is a class act
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm editing songs now...Oy vey!

Then I realize he’s singing, “Some girl that knows the meaning of, ah-Hey hit the highway!” What?!?!? Did some of the guys I’ve dated lately write this song? Nope, it was written by none other than John Cougar Mellencamp – in 1979! The lyrics get better…he goes on to say, “Some girl who’ll thrill me and then go away!”
So what I learned from this song is that apparently men don’t care about grammar – at least not while writing music – and pretty much have always been this way! Sigh…..
I Need A Lover lyrics
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Why it's Important to Answer Booty Calls!
This guy was determined to get something outta that booty call! Geez, this takes stupid criminal to a new level.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Change is Gonna Come
No one at home in the Texas House
And then when they called for mandatory attendance in order to vote, watch what happens:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Happy Birthday to my baby brother!
Dream a little dream

Dream #1
The night before last, I dreamt that me, my sister, my brother and his girlfriend went on a trip. At the airport flying back home, we all got separated so I never saw if everyone got on the plane. We all had seats away from each other. Actually, none of us ever saw my sister at the airport and she wasn't answering her phone, so we were worried that she didn't catch the plane. (Not sure why she wasn't with us) The flight attendants would not tell me if she was on the plane. I never saw my brother and his girlfriend during the flight, but I assumed they caught the flight since I'd seen them in the airport.
At the end of the flight, everyone had to use their credit cards to check out, using a machine at the top of one of the seats in the mid section of the plane. It was weird and held everyone up. But after I stood up, I found an old credit card of my brother’s, bent and lying on the floor under my seat. Then, I looked in the seat I had just been sitting in and saw his wallet, tucked under a fold in the fabric. A flight attendant saw me pick it up and grabbed it from me and even after I showed her ID, she wouldn’t let me keep the wallet. I still didn’t see them and the plane was completely full, so I was getting worried. I tried calling all three of them but of course they hadn't turned on their phones yet. Then someone in the front part of the plane found a cell phone under a seat and it was my brother’s! Now I was really worried, but they made me de-board the plane. The airport was extremely crowded and I still could not find them. People were whizzing past me, bumping into me and yelling at me, but I was not about to budge until I found my siblings and my brother’s girlfriend. About the time I started to have a panic attack in the airport, I woke up!
What Dream #1 Means (according to the Internet) Airport - To see a busy airport in your dream signifies the desire for freedom, high ideals, ambition, and hopes. It is an indication that you are approaching a new departure in your life. Some new idea is taking off or is ready to take off. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure. Lost - To dream that someone else is lost represents unresolved issues or feelings regarding the person that is lost. Consider also what aspect of that person you may have lost within your own self. Perhaps you need to recapture and re-acknowledge those aspects.
Dream #2
Last night I dreamt that my family was helping me move into this little place that was connected to a warehouse or maybe it was a storage facility. It had a gravel driveway and people would drive by to go down the road to whatever the other facility was. The location was odd, but the place was really cute. I have moving dreams every now and again and I always dream about leaving something behind. It’s usually family heirlooms and I have to go back to my maternal grandparents’ house to get it. That must mean something. Longing for the past, maybe?
Anyway, I know the entire family was there, but at the end of the day it was just dad and me. I can’t tell you how many times dad helped me move over the years, so this makes sense. We were laughing and he was teasing me like he used to about being a packrat. We were exhausted, but having a good time unpacking in my new place.
Then we decided to go get some dinner. Dad was driving the old family blue and white 1979 Chevy Blazer (we all drove it at one point) and all of a sudden while he was driving, he slumped over and lost consciousness. I struggled to grab the wheel, pull over and hit the brakes…it was extremely stressful! I immediately called 9-1-1 and drove to the ER. Once there, they whisked him away to a room. I think I called my brother and sister at this point and for some reason, they told me I should go ahead and leave the hospital. I think I had to take my mom to a doctor’s appointment or something too. When I got done with that, I called grandma and pop to see if they knew how dad was doing. Pop was crying (something I’ve never seen or heard) and grandma was at the hospital with dad. All I remember from there was getting back to the hospital and seeing grandma. Dad was still in surgery or the other room, but we couldn’t get any information from the staff. I woke up feeling very anxious, but then happy that I’d gotten to see my dad in my dream.
What Dream #2 Means (according to the Internet) To dream that you are moving away signifies your desire or need for change. It may also mean an end to a situation or relationship and you are moving on. Alternatively, it indicates your determination and issues regarding dependence/independence. A hospital is a place of healing. Your dream may offer you cures to improve your psychological or physical health. Observe in which department your dream is set – it may give you important clues to the nature of your problem. You may need some rest or may be trying to recover from a psychological wound that requires inner healing. Or perhaps the dream has a warning about your physical health? Does the dream offer a cure? Does it suggests a healthier behavior pattern or diet? They called Edgar Cayce ‘the sleeping prophet’ because he would fall asleep and answer questions put to him about the health of people he had never met. He gave startlingly accurate diagnoses and his revolutionary treatments and cures are still being used and researched today. Hidden within our dreams are the keys to spiritual, psychological and physical health.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Don't pee on Old Faithful
Thursday, May 7, 2009
my treadmill is so vain
Tonight I DID NOT want to go walk. But I did it. At five minutes in, I was ready to throw in the towel. And that’s when it happened: Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” came on shuffle on my iPod. I pictured my feet beating up the treadmill.
Before I knew it, the Bee Gees were on with “You Should Be Dancing.” I just pictured myself thin, fit and tan like Melissa Rycroft on Dancing With the Stars, dancing in a ball gown on the treadmill. I was graceful and fluid. Two things I never am.
Then my feet started hurting. “I feel the earth move under my feet,” Carole King belted out. I grinned at the irony and kept walking. Ok, that’s it, I thought…time to start winding down. Then Jon Bon Jovi belted out, “Ooh ooh livin’ on a prayer…” Who could stop during Bon Jovi? Just when I thought I couldn’t go any further, Stevie Nicks was there to help me out with “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around,” which of course made me think about my heart and how good walking was for it! Next, my future husband Lenny Kravitz stopped by to tell me he was ready for love with “Heaven Help.” On that note, I can stop, I thought. I can die a happy woman.
“Wheel in the Sky” came on next and we all know my love of all things Journey, plus I started singing “wheel of the treadmill keeps on turning…” and that made me giggle like a 12 year old.
Next up was Carly Simon with “You’re So Vain,” which I dedicated to the treadmill. I swear it looks at itself in the stupid gym mirrors while it’s tormenting me! Another Journey song, “Don’t Stop Believin’.” Hello! You can’t stop when like the best rock ballad ever is cheering you on!
No workout is complete without Prince, but when “Kiss” came on, I finally decided to slow it down and end my walk at 2.5 miles. Whew. I think I can finish the 5K on Saturday. Thank God for my iPod.