Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hospice Austin
The joys of Christmas

Last Christmas was a blur – dad passed away in April last year, so nothing was the same. I don’t even really remember what we did, except that we all exchanged stockings at the grave. Stockings were dad’s favorite part of Christmas and even though we’re all adults now, we’ve continued the tradition.
This year, we did things a little differently, but it’s been lovely and I feel so blessed to have my family. We started off with Christmas #1 at my step mom’s house last Sunday – she out did herself and made brisket, ham, mashed potatoes, pea salad, and what seemed like millions of other yummy foods! We stuffed ourselves and exchanged gifts with her, it was really nice.
Christmas #2 was yesterday with the extended family, including some cousins, aunt and uncle, grandparents, etc. We again stuffed ourselves with traditional foods and watched my uncle eat just about all of grandma’s fruit salad “in the yellow bowl.” We played a Christmas Trivia game and won prizes (thanks, Aunt Becky) and then played a gift exchange game where we passed gifts around according to what our answers were to a list of questions. It was fun and we learned some things about each other. I ended up with a $20 gift card to China Wall…woo hoo! Then we went to church and ate dinner at Kerbey Lane. Somewhere in there I managed to finish wrapping all my presents.

This morning, I slept in and woke up alone…and it was awesome! Some might think that’s odd, but I have been so busy lately that this was the greatest Christmas gift of all, time to myself! If I had time to think about it, I might be sad, but how can I be? We still have Christmas #3 at mom’s house this afternoon. Plus, my sister and I leave for a week in San Francisco tomorrow! Have I packed? Nope. But who cares? It’s Christmas, I slept late, and now I’m drinking coffee and listening to Christmas music. It’s awesome.
My mom and sister let their doggies, Cali and Hero, open their stockings this morning and I thought these pics say it all. Even dogs can show the joy of Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
That's my baby

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Beef. It’s what’s for dinner – or what’s on his wrist.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Austin’s Just a Little Less Weird Tonight
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Fa la la la

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
sleet man
Chuck Norris Does Pflugerville!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Color of the Year
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Polar Bears Have Outies!

Saturday, November 29, 2008
The "smart" thing to do
Well, when my sister, who works at Apple, got her iPhone, I had serious smart phone envy. Then my nephew got a smart phone. Still, I resisted. I did, however, get a text messaging plan about a year ago. People laugh at me when I text -- it takes forever! But I embraced it and I swear I even have traces of "texting thumb" already!
I just read this article ( and now I'm convinced. It's time to get a smart phone. It's the smart thing to do! (I called today and found out that I can upgrade to a new phone after December 8! Woo phone, here I come.)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
body suit

I almost took down the new Dancing With the Stars champ!

Our friends Kristen and Brian drove up from San Diego to meet us – they’re a cute young couple so I swear that’s how we ended up on the floor of the studio. They were shuffled to the stage, but me and Jennifer ended up a little farther back, just in front of the little platform where all the contestants sat while waiting to perform. It was pretty fun and of course interesting to watch the process of making a “reality” show. During one of the breaks, I was hot, so I lifted my hair off my shoulders. When I brought my arms down, my elbow smashed into someone – I was horrified when I turned to see that it was the show’s host, Brooke Burke! She was walking through the aisle to get set up for her next shot when Bam! My big ol’ arm crashes into her! She’s a tiny little thing, even for a Hollywood type, so it startled her and even stopped her in her tracks for a second. I apologized profusely, but she just smiled and kept walking.
Last night Brooke was crowned the Dancing With the Stars winner. Just think – I almost took out the DWTS champ three years ago! Leave it to me.
Here’s footage of Brooke introducing my favorite contestant from Rockstar INXS, Jordis Unga:
Sunshine on my shoulders
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Embrace the crazy!

Anyway, Morgan’s character Denny has returned on Gray’s Anatomy for the last few episodes even though he’s dead. He appears to his former fiancé, Izzy, as a ghost. Izzy is very disturbed by this and thinks she is losing her mind. Although she did spend an evening in bed with her late fiancé’s ghost on the last episode, she has now decided to ignore Denny and pretend he’s not there.
Well I say if crazy is making out with a ghost who looks like Denny/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, GO FOR IT! If he appears to me, I am just going to embrace the crazy! Who cares what the world thinks, I’ll be making out with Mr. Hotpants!
PS – I have much respect for Mr. Morgan and do not just idolize his body. I like his brains just fine too.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ding, dong the witch is dead, the Witch is really dead!

Tonight something incredible happened. I sold the infamous Couch of Many Colors!
Many of you know that this couch was a hand-me-down from a friend. It served me well for many, many years. It served her before me for many years and served someone else for many years prior to that. I've given it away to friends a couple of times, tried to sell it several times, but somehow it always made its way back to me. A few months ago, I found an incredible deal on three pieces of living room furniture at Ikea, so the COMC has been sitting in my garage. I made arrangements for the Salvation Army to come pick it up one weekend, but Hurricane Ike interfered. They called and cancelled the pick up because initially, we were expecting bad weather here in Austin. It never came...and the couch never left. I began to think there was some cosmic reason why this couch wouldn't leave!
But tonight it was loaded onto a truck...I watched it leave. And this time I don't think it will return to me. The COMC is bound for a guest room in Mexico! So unless it gets stopped at the border and sent back to me (oh God, please no), the COMC is gone!
Ding, dong the witch is dead, the Witch is really dead!
The New Generation: Moat People
Monday, November 17, 2008
Feeling lucky...and big and chunky ;)
I didn’t really think about it until last night, but I think the charm did bring me some good luck. On Sunday evening, I went to see Madagascar 2 with my brother’s family and found a dollar on the floor of the theater. Then, after the movie, which was hilarious by the way, I was driving home and heard on the radio that they were giving away prize packs to a bowling alley. I have no idea why, but I picked up the phone and called the radio station. Surprisingly, I won the prize! I haven’t called into a radio station except to do interviews for work (!) since I was in high school and I’m not a good bowler AT ALL, so I’m not sure what possessed me to call in, but oh well! Bowling, anyone? I chuckled about my “good fortune.” Then I thought I should aim higher, so I went and bought a Lotto ticket with the dollar I found on the floor. We’ll see what happens. Drawing is Tuesday. ☺
PS – My brother and his girlfriend have decided that I remind them of Gloria, the hippo in Madagascar. Not because of her ahem, size, but apparently our personalities are similar. I could not stop laughing at one scene in the movie where Moto Moto, a big male hippo, flirts with Gloria. I’ve dated that guy, I swear. Click here to see the song he sings to Gloria in the movie. Hysterical – and it’s about time big and chunky gals got their own song. ;)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Poison or Profit?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Little miracles
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Family Photo Shoot!
Spent the day with my brother's family today taking photos for their Christmas cards. We had a good time...I enjoyed shooting photos again. And I think they turned out pretty are a few of my favorites. The top photo is my nephew, my favorite person in the entire world. I cannot believe he is 14 years old -- look how handsome and grown up he looks!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Why I live in Austin

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Bestest Halloween costumes ever
a perfect pedicure

Friday, October 31, 2008
"wastes of oxygen"
This incident reminded me of something my friend Robin & I witnessed several months ago at a fast food restaurant in South Austin. As we were eating lunch, this young lady walked in with a baby carrier. Her daughter was decked out all in pink and had on cutesy matching shoes and even wore earrings. She seemed like a very pleasant baby, very content. The first thing we noticed was after the lady ordered at the counter, she put the baby carrier down on the floor and walked about 10 ft away to go fill her drink. Meanwhile, lots of people were coming and going, passing by the baby – any one of them could have grabbed her so easily. After she got her food, she set the baby carrier down on the table, set her food down, then grabbed her purse and went into the ladies room. SHE LEFT THE BABY ALONE ON THE TABLE!!! We were in shock! I wanted to call Child Protective Services. Seriously, she took her purse (God forbid someone take that), but left her child, a precious human life who cannot defend herself, at the table all by herself. This incident still makes me mad to this day.
In my opinion, these women are simply “wastes of oxygen,” as my dad would have said. I don’t know why these things still surprise me, but they do. I can’t believe that people can be so blasé about their parental duties. People make mistakes, I get that. But these actions are unforgivable in my book. I know writing this won’t make these people change or make things fair in the world, but at least I got to vent.
Happy freakin’ Halloween.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It Happened at McDonald’s
One of my favorite memories with my dad was one time when he and I were out car shopping all day. We decided to stop at McDonald’s for lunch and I wasn’t that hungry, so I ordered a Cheeseburger Happy Meal. The clerk, who could not have been more than 15 years old, then asked me the inevitable question, “Do you need a toy for a boy or a toy for a girl?”
“Oh it’s for me, so I don’t really need a toy,” I said.
Her eyes grew wide as she said, “But it comes with a toy.”
“Oh I know, but I don’t need one, so you can just save it for a kid.”
She repeated, “But it comes with a toy,” as she frantically searched the keypad for the “happy meal without a toy button.”
At this point I look over at my dad, who is snickering. I was so frustrated with her, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Somehow I managed to tell her that a toy for a boy was ok.
Another McDonald’s story
Back in like the year 2000, my sister Jill and I decided to take a trip to Las Vegas. Well, we started out there, but decided after a few days to rent a car and drive to Los Angeles because neither one of us had ever been there. It was very impulsive for me – I like to have plans and an itinerary. Jill, not so much. So with no hotel reservations or any plans, we just looked at a map and drove until we got to the ocean. That eventually landed us in Santa Monica and we had a blast. We had to evacuate our hotel because of an arson fire next door one night and had a couple of brushes with celebrity, but that’s another story.
On our way to LA, we stopped in Rancho Cucamonga, California at the McDonald’s for lunch. As we were eating, a man came in and started yelling profanities. It was like he had Turret’s Syndrome or something. I think he was yelling in both English and another language, maybe Portuguese. The staff seemed to know him and be used to him, so at first I wasn’t worried. But he kept moving closer towards our table and we decided to leave. I remember severely scratching my leg on some dry, desert bush in the parking lot on my way back to the car. But we were just glad to be out of that McDonald’s!
Blogging already old news?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The inevitable
The other bad thing about car washes? It’s inevitable – it either rains (which I would not have minded since we need it so bad) or a bird poops on it. Yep, you guessed it. Just a few hours after my shiny car got a bath, some stupid bird somehow found the clean windshield. It was only parked outside for about three hours! Seriously, it’s like the damn birds look for clean windshields! Argh.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Whaddya want? A cookie?

Mr. Fehrenbach has a much better attitude about these people than I do. But you know what? I’m a good, forgiving person, so I’m gonna go eat a cookie and just try to forget about all the proclaimers of the world! ;)
[Deadwood] always want credit for doing things they´re supposed to do. They´ll brag about stuff a normal person just does. They´ll say something like, "Yeah, well, I take care of my kids." You´re supposed to, you [idiot]. "I ain´t never been to jail." Whaddya want? A cookie? You´re not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having [expletive deleted].
I´ve never been much of a proclaimer. Sign-wearing isn´t for me. It´s how I was raised. Low key. Do what you´re supposed to do. Treat people as you want to be treated. Be polite, work hard, give a good effort. And never waste energy jumping up and down yelling "Look at me being polite, working hard, giving a good effort."
A key corollary to treating people as you want to be treated is living and letting live. As long as no one is being harmed or cheated. Some people need to proclaim. So let them. Let them have their bumper stickers and lawn signs. Let them broadcast their allegiances to their heart´s content. I won´t snipe about them. Not much, anyway.
Three weeks from today a lot of people will be walking around wearing "I voted today" buttons. That´s perfectly OK. Good for them. I will vote too. I always do. I doubt I´ll put on the button, though. Voting is something you´re supposed to do. (I usually give my "I voted today" button to one of my sons. They love wearing buttons.)
Recycling is another thing you´re supposed to do. So my kneejerk reaction to a story like this -- in a nutshell, a convention center in Pittsburgh hands out buttons to people who recycle -- is: Whaddya want, a cookie? But then I remember: Live. And let live. A public good is being served. People are being -- as our president likes to say -- incentivized. Incentivized to recycle.
If buttons incentivize people to recycle, hand them out. Proclaimers need to proclaim. So let them.
Would I put on the button if I had the occasion to visit the convention center in Pittsburgh? I´m not sure. Probably. Maybe. I am sure I´d recycle, though. I always do.
Almost always. My wife, the real stickler for recycling at our house, reads this column sometimes.
Pete Fehrenbach is managing editor of Waste News. Past installments of this column are collected in the Inbox archive.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Even an elephant can do it
I’m always amazed when I see examples of how wild animals and humans have acclimated and learned to coexist. But I live in the suburbs, so I usually only see the occasional deer, raccoon or possum scampering across a busy street. I giggle when I go see my friend Linda in Dripping Springs, southwest of Austin, and see the “Loose Livestock” signs. Not sure why that cracks me up.
But in Kenya, “loose” animals have actually caused a lot of trouble. Apparently some elephants that are near extinction were wandering onto local farmers’ land and destroying their crops, their entire livelihood. Modern technology has come to the rescue! Check out the article here to see how the elephants now send text messages to park rangers when they stray towards private land.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yearbook Yourself!
Google is a fascinating business model – they took what seemed like a simple business idea and it exploded – Google is everywhere. I don’t know what I’d do without Google to help me find information. I literally use it everyday.
I remember the day I told my mom to “google” something. I’d been using the word as a verb for a while at that point without even thinking about it, but it was still unknown to her. I think it’s an interesting study of how a company can make such an impact on the world. Not only change the way people search for information, but change the English language too!
Google has made our lives easier, but they are also known for being one of the greatest companies to work for – and for continuing to encourage groundbreaking, creative ideas. In fact, they are hosting a contest in honor of their 10th birthday, soliciting ideas from users. Wish I had some google-worthy ideas! See, I just used the word google in another way! It’s a great word.
Happy Birthday, Google!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
300 people missing!?!?!?!?!?
I guess it’s gotten lost with all the financial crisis and election coverage, but I am seriously shocked that there isn’t more news about this out there! After Katrina, it’s all we heard about for months. And that was a good thing – at least the stories about trying to locate loved ones. I know that in some cases, the media coverage helped find them.
It’s hard to imagine being without technology like television, cable, internet, cell phone for three weeks. Not having a way to contact my family? Heck, I’d have a panic attack if I went 30 minutes without at least one of those items! Sad, but true. And I wouldn’t last an hour without running water and air conditioning. Thank God in Heaven that I’ve never had to endure a natural disaster. Camping is about as close as I ever want to get to those conditions. Let’s face it, I’m a weenie.
My heart goes out to the people who lost homes in the storm and to the people who are still trying to be sure their loved ones are ok. I guess one thing we could do is donate to the American Red Cross or to the Laura Recovery Center, the organization based in Friendswood, TX mentioned in the CNN article.
But then again, there’s a financial crisis going on and if you’re like me, you’re broke too. Hmm. I need to think of a creative way to help. Manning the media desk at the convention center shelter for a couple hours just wasn’t enough for me. Sigh...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dreaming of electoral votes...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pinky & the Brain
Actually, I’m hardly ever home – I keep myself pretty busy. No, I’m not out painting the town, although I do attend the occasional happy hour. I could write a book about how people I’ve known my entire life suddenly act like they can’t hang out with me, the swingin’ single gal (ha!), because they are now married. It’s silly, but it happens. Bygones, I’m over it.
The thing that amazes me is the facts about single people. For example, did you know that there are 92 million single adults in the US? So why is it so hard to find a mate? NINETY TWO MILLION PEOPLE! Come on!
But more importantly, in 2005, there were 55.9 million households headed by unmarried adults. Ahem, that means we are now the majority of all households in the nation! I think it’s time for the rest of you to start paying attention to us! In the 2000 presidential election, 35 percent of voters were unmarried. I’m gonna make a prediction that in the 2008 presidential election, that number will be a lot higher. Hmm, maybe instead of trying to get a married woman or a married black man into the White House, we should have been focused on getting a single person elected!
I’m suddenly picturing Pinky and the Brain (who were single, by the way)…
Pinky: "Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"
The Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Zach as a baby

Zach at 14 with his dad, being silly

Monday, September 22, 2008
Listening with my eyes closed...
Most of you reading this know that my dad passed away about a year and a half ago. He was a big John Denver fan – not a day went by in my childhood without hearing a John Denver song. Instead of hating the music, though, I actually LOVE John Denver – and I don’t care what anyone thinks. We even played a John Denver song at my dad’s funeral. It would have been wrong not to play one.
An overwhelming sense of peace washes over me now when I hear a John Denver song and I think of my dad and smile…and sing along! I guess that peace is what dad always felt. I get it now, dad.
So tonight I was searching YouTube and came across a fairly obscure JD song called, “Zachary and Jennifer.” This song always brings me to tears because I very vividly remember the first time I heard it. And because my name is Jennifer and my nephew’s name is Zachary…and it’s just a beautiful song.
My dad was a very spiritual man, but maybe not in the sense that most people think of. He would find deep meaning in music and in words – and he tried to share it with us from time to time. He often would make us sit down, close our eyes and stop talking. Then he would play a song and tell us, “Listen to the words. I mean, really listen to the words and what they’re saying.” Most of the time, especially as kids, we would roll our eyes or snicker. But the time he sat us down to listen to this song, we took it seriously.
It was almost 15 years ago – I had just found out that I was going to be an aunt. We were all so excited! I remember dad sitting us down at the old house on Maye Place. We all just looked at each other and from then on, the baby's name was Zachary. Or at least that’s how I remember it. He’s my only nephew and will be 14 on Wednesday. I know we’ve told Zach about the John Denver song, but I bet he doesn’t remember it. And I’m certain he doesn’t get it yet, but someday he will. He reminds me of my dad in little ways that I can’t quite explain yet.
I would give anything if I could sit and close my eyes and listen to John Denver again with my dad. Maybe I’ll do that now.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Have a nice day!

As I was leaving, this older gentleman shuffling in with a walker said, “Excuse me, ma’am.”
I turned around and he slowly asked me, “Did you know that part of your face…”
Ok, at this point, I was ready to put down my bag and purse and deck the guy – I was sure he was about to say something mean about my Rosacea-riddled, non-makeup covered face. But he continued with, “…is about to explode into a huge smile!”
I’m not really sure what I said to him, but I do remember that it did make me smile – in that kind of “Oh my God, this man is a weirdo,” uncomfortable sort of way. I think I said thank you and have a nice day or something, then quickly rushed out the door to my car, where I burst into laughter. “These sorts of things only happen to me,” I thought. “The weirdos always know how to find me.”

Have a nice day and just a reminder to all you parents out there…do not force your babies to smile!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Jesus really does want us to lose weight
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
“My cat is stuck in the toilet”
Thankfully my cat, Bridget, has never gotten stuck in the toilet like the one in this story, but she has gotten herself into some pickles. Several years ago, while staying in a temporary business housing until my apartment was ready, Bridget got stuck in between the kitchen cabinets and the walls. I of course wasn’t supposed to have an animal in the temporary housing, so I had to sneak her in and play the TV all day long to muffle her meows. She’s part Siamese and very vocal, so this was no easy task. And when she was younger, she loved to climb and explore any nook or cranny she could find. Well, I guess she found a big enough hole to climb through. I don’t remember how I got her out of the wall, but thankfully, it didn’t involve destruction of anything or calling 911!
And then there was the time Bridget looked up at me from the floor while I was trying to fall asleep. Ok, she does that every night. And usually, she jumps onto the bed and I pet her for about two minutes, then she jumps off and goes to her little bed in the closet. But this night, her equilibrium must have been way off, because she jumped and smacked her little kitty head square onto the side of the mattress. I mean she really missed her mark! I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to make sure she was ok, but thankfully, she was.
My last story about Bridget is probably my favorite. Many years ago, my friend Cheree was cat sitting for me while I was out of town and would go check on Bridget every day. One day, she walked all over the house and could hear Bridget meowing, but couldn’t find her anywhere! She opened the oven and all the cabinets, thinking that maybe the cat had climbed into one of them. She said she could hear Bridget’s meows the loudest in the kitchen, so she stood there, puzzled for a few minutes. All of a sudden, Cheree felt something gently touch her head. She said she jumped out of her skin…she looked up and there, on top of the refrigerator, sat Bridget. I would have paid good money to be a fly on the wall watching that unfold. I’m positive Bridget planned the whole thing and got a good laugh out of it at Cheree’s expense.
Damn cat. But I love her – and for the record, yes, I would bust up my toilet too if she got stuck in it.
Sperm Bank Chatter

Yep, that’s right. David Crosby. As in the legendary musician who famously provided the sperm donation for Melissa Etheridge and her then girlfriend Julie Cypher. So was it just a coincidence that David Crosby showed up just when we were talking about sperm donations? I think not! ;)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sliced Bread
My Grandpa D. lived to be 95 years old. I remember one day, when he was about 94, he asked me about CDs. He knew all about “Certificates of Deposit,” but these shiny round things that played music were new to him, so I explained them. We then started talking about the Internet. He just shook his head. He couldn’t fathom it. Grandpa was born in 1907 and in his lifetime had witnessed the invention of the assembly line (holy cow!), the aerosol can, the atomic bomb, the television, traffic lights, the fluorescent light bulb, the jet engine and literally, sliced bread!
My nephew, who is 14, recently asked me what kind of cell phone I had when I was his age. I just laughed. Apparently instead of “wear pajamas to school day,” they now have designated technology days for kids – days when they can bring their cells, iPods, etc. to school without getting in trouble. My nephew says he’s bored a lot. I can’t fathom that. I don’t ever remember being bored when I was his age. There was always something to do…and when I was his age, I didn’t have cable TV, an iPod, cell phone or even a computer!
You heard it here – I’m making a vow to never let technology pass me by. I will at the very least read about the latest trends! ☺
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Welcome...and...Love that chicken at Popeye's
Love that Chicken at Popeye’s…
So I decided to eat lunch at my desk today, thinking that I had a Smart Ones meal in the fridge here at work. Turns out I only had a package of Brussels sprouts, which were yummy, but I was still hungry. So about 1:30 I set out to get a nice, healthy, Weight Watchers points-friendly sandwich from Thundercloud. But my car turned in the direction of Popeye’s instead…I’d been craving chicken strips and gravy for three days, so I decided to compromise and order the “naked” strips and green beans.
As I pulled up to the board to order, I could hear chatter from inside the restaurant coming out of the intercom. Funny, I thought…they don’t know I can hear them. I grinned. Somebody was having a good old time! Finally, the very chatty lady asked me for my order. I was feeling guilty for deciding to “cheat” and eat fast food, but hey, I thought…it’s NAKED chicken! How many calories could be in NAKED chicken for goodness sake? Trust me, it took all the will power in my body to not order the regular breaded and fried chicken strips with the red beans and rice or mashed potatoes.
When I drove up to the window to pay, I was greeted by the friendly intercom lady, who was wearing a gold, bejeweled handkerchief around her hair and sported thick, black eyeliner and gold eye shadow. She greeted me with, “Girl, that is a pretty and colorful blouse!”
I smiled and said, “Thank you.”
As she handed me my drink – iced tea, no sugar by the way – she tells me, “Cause I’m your size, ya know….that pretty shirt would fit me too. Um hum. Sure would.”
I just keep smiling, feeling a little uncomfortable now. So there goes my dream of sneaking to the Popeye’s incognito, I thought. If no one I know sees me get the fast food, I will feel better about it, I reasoned. My guilt about cheating was really sinking in.
“Do you ever go to the east side?” overly-friendly intercom lady asks.
“What? Oh, um…yeah…sometimes,” I lied, shaking my head profusely.
She looks me up and down as if she knows full well I NEVER go to the east side and I bend forward, looking into the kitchen wondering why it’s taking so long to cook NAKED chicken.
“Simply Fashions. That’s where you need to go. That’s where the big girls shop. Me and you. Uh huh…we’re the same size, girl. That’s where I shop. You ever been there?
I shake my head no, suddenly feeling very fat. How badly do I really want these chicken strips?
“Over by Fiesta? You know where that is? Well, you gotta go to Simply Fashions. I got me some $15-16 shirts there for like $5. Big girls like us go in there and they come out looking sharp, I tell ya.”
Oh God, please don’t ask me where I got my outfit or how much I paid for it. Suddenly I’m feeling very privileged – and ashamed of it. And still fat.
“And then of course there’s Rainbows,” she looks at me, seeing if I knew about the store. “You ain’t been to Rainbows? Girl, you gotta go there. You gotta come over to the east side sometime! They got all sorts of stuff for big girls like us. I mean they got regular stuff too, but it’s all big girls that go to Rainbows, like me and you. Uh huh.” She smiled, revealing a shiny gold grill on her teeth.
Suddenly I’m feeling…well, I’m not sure what I was feeling. But now I wanted those damn chicken strips even more. And the biscuit I was going to give away or throw away and not eat? Forget it, I’m eating it.
Finally, she hands me the box of NAKED chicken strips and green beans and tells me something like, “Now you gotta come back again, girl.”
“Thanks…I will," I muttered, thinking to myself that I’ll never visit Popeye’s again. Ever.
So now I know why they call it Weight Watchers…Ok, I get it. Not supposed to eat fast food. Or maybe I just need to watch out for over-friendly intercom lady.